What is iCompliance?
iCompliance is a fully customisable, paperless, cloud based compliance system. Users have the ability to perform a risk assessment using their smart phone or tablet before they perform a task and automatically have it saved to a cloud service.
You can use our entire list of templates without internet access. When you do connect to the internet the app will sync with the cloud and upload all pics and information.

Risk Assessments
A fully customisable risk assessment form that will prompt you for required information based on your answers.
Do you have your own SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements). Let iCompliance create a custom risk assessment for you!
Bill of Materials
Never miss a chargeable item!
Record a list of all materials you have used for a particular job and record an invoice number.
Record Test Results
Record all electrical test results.
iCompliance has custom built an electrical test sheet. The test sheet will automatically update as you are filling it out to suit the circuit you are testing.
Can't find the specific test you are looking for?
Ask us to make it for you!

Time Sheets
Never miss a timesheet!
Staff can not lodge a timesheet if they haven't done a risk assessment and filled out all the information that you require to invoice a job.
If a staff member forgets to fill in a field they will be prompted to enter the information.

Before and After Photos
A picture can say 1000 words!
Take before and after photos of your work and keep them as a reference. All pictures will be time and date stamped.

Customer Signatures
A signature facility has been added to allow a client to sign off on the job and the time sheet.
This can be a life saver when it comes to claiming payment!

Purchase Orders
Never lose another invoice!
Generate unlimited purchase orders and take a photo of all invoices.

Toolbox Talks
iCompliance will schedule toolbox talks for you to do monthly. All toolbox talks have the ability to record every topic that was discussed and also attached any relevant pictures.

Incident Reports
iCompliance has created an in depth incident reporting system that can log any near misses or injuries.
All data is available for you to view using Analytics.
See where you need to allocate training to address recurring injuries..