Award Winning Paperless Risk Assessment System
This App was very impressive to the Auditors, we went for ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 9001:2016 and ISO 14001:2016 (Health & Safety Management systems, Quality Management systems and Environmental Management systems.)
But The Auditors have also awarded us AS/NZS 4801:2001 as well, you app was a real Auditor’s prayer answered!
Your prompt assistance and help leading up to Audit has been Fantastic!!!!!
Plus you taught my staff members how to navigate the app to produce a fantastic Maintenance report for our use, Auditors loved it.
We do have some other docs we would like to add later for an upcoming project.
Thanks Christian. (Oh I am so excited to get my Certification ticks at the bottom of my emails) I’m putting them on everything!!! Cars, Website, uniforms, lol – anywhere I can.
iCompliance is an award winning business management system that can convert paper based systems into a digital format.​
We specialise in:
Risk assessments
Time Sheets
Purchase Orders
Bill of Materials
Toolbox Talks
Incident Reporting
Fully customisable audits.
Contact us today to find out how we can convert your business processes to paperless!